George Bruns

101 Dalmatians (Original Soundtrack)
1997 19 songs
- A Beautiful Spring Day flac 1997
- All Dog Alert flac 1997
- Bedtime; An Evening Constitutional; A Job To Do; They're Gone! flac 1997
- Can You Leave Tonight?; Arduous Trek; Any News, Colonel?; I Want The Job Done flac 1997
- Cruella De Vil flac 1997
- Cruella De Vil; Nonsense Version (Demo) flac 1997
- Dalmation Plantation (Finale) flac 1997
- Dinsford; Cruella; A Roll In The Soot; To The Van; It Can't Be; Crazed; You Fools! flac 1997
- Dognapped!; Anita Darling; What We'll We Do? flac 1997
- Don't Worry, Perdy; The Puppies Are Here; Lucky; How Marvelous; Not One; A Bloomin' Hero flac 1997
- I'm Hungry; Get Some Rest; Back On The Road; Spotted! flac 1997
- My Darlings; 99; Better Be Off; Fire One;All Clear flac 1997
- Ol' Thunder Always Wins flac 1997
- Overture flac 1997
- Pulling A Snitch; Big Hullabaloo; Battling the Baduns flac 1997
- Puppies Everywhere flac 1997
- Sergeant Tibs' Recon; Cat Casserole flac 1997
- Through The Snow; Shelter flac 1997
- What's All The Hurry; A Perfect Situation; Stir Things Up flac 1997

The Jungle Book (Original Soundtrack)
1997 21 songs
- Baby flac 1997
- Baloo's Blues ( Phil Harris) flac 1997
- Brothers All ( Terry Gilkyson) flac 1997
- Colonel Hathi's March (Reprise) ( Disney Studio Chorus) flac 1997
- Colonel Hathi's March (The Elephant Song) ( Disney Studio Chorus) flac 1997
- I Wan'na Be Like You (The Monkey Song) ( Bruce Reitherman) flac 1997
- Interview With The Sherman Brothers ( Richard M. Sherman) flac 1997
- It's A Kick ( Phil Harris) flac 1997
- Jungle Beat flac 1997
- Monkey Chase flac 1997
- My Own Home (The Jungle Book Theme) ( Darlene Carr) flac 1997
- Overture flac 1997
- Poor Bear flac 1997
- Tell Him flac 1997
- That's What Friends Are For (The Vulture Song) ( Bruce Reitherman) flac 1997
- The Bare Necessities ( Bruce Reitherman) flac 1997
- The Bare Necessities (Reprise) ( Phil Harris) flac 1997
- The Song Of The Seeonce ( Terry Gilkyson) flac 1997
- Tiger Fight flac 1997
- Trust In Me (The Python's Song) ( Sterling Holloway) flac 1997
- What'cha Wanna Do flac 1997
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