Teatr Roma

Cats: Original Poland Cast Recording
2003 14 songs
- Dachowy Bal (The Jellicle Ball) ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Dachowy Song (Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats) ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Gus: Kot Teatralny (Gus: The Theatre Cat) ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Koci Raj (The Journey To The Heaviside Layer) ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Kot Bywalec (The Cat About Town) ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Makiawel (Macavity: The Mystery Cat) ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Mefistofeliks: Kot Czarodziej (Mr. Mistoffelees) ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Mungojerrie I Pumpernikiel ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Pamięć (Memory) ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Plameczka Pac (The Old Gumbie Cat) ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Przesłanie (The Ad-dressing Of Cats) ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Ram Tam Tamek (The Rum Tum Tugger) ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Semaforro: Kot Kolejowy (The Railway Cat) ( Teatr Roma) flac 2003
- Uwertura (The Overture) flac 2003
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