2014 9 songs
- ~ Himitsu ~Seisen no Chikai~ (秘蜜 ~聖戦の誓い; Himitsu ~Oath of the Holy War~) ( Hatsune Miku) flac 2014
- Amagoi Uta (雨乞い唄; Rain Song) flac 2014
- Chou no Enbukyoku (蝶々円舞曲; Waltz of the Butterfly) ( Various Artists) flac 2014
- Chou to Hana to Kumo (蝶と花と蜘蛛; Butterfly and Flower and Spider) flac 2014
- Danzai no Serenata (断罪のセレナータ; Serenata of Conviction) ( VY2) flac 2014
- Itsuka, Cinderella ga ( いつか、シンダレラが; Someday My Cinderella Will Come) flac 2014
- PartyxParty ( Hatsune Miku) flac 2014
- Unmei no Megami (運命の女神; Goddess of Fate) ( Hatsune Miku) flac 2014
- Unmei no Megami (運命の女神; Goddess of Fate) ( Hatsune Miku) flac 2014
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