
2012 32 songs
- Ame ni mo Makezu (雨ニモ負ケズ; Never losing to the rain) flac 2012
- an'yō kyoku no Taitoru tte Igai to Tsukeru no ga Muzukashī (エリザベス はじめてのおつかい; It's surprisingly difficult to come up with a generic song title) flac 2012
- Ani e no Omoi -Hijitaka no Kako- (兄への想い -土方の過去-; Thoughts to my brother -Hijikata's past-) flac 2012
- Anpan Seikatsu × kame (あんパン生活×日目; Day × of living on anpan) flac 2012
- Danbōru no Kamisama (ダンボールの神様; God of Cardboard) ( MADAO (CV. Tachiki Fumihiko)) flac 2012
- Erizabesu Hajimete no Otsukai (エリザベス はじめてのおつかい; Elizabeth's first errand) flac 2012
- Hakaba de Abareru no wa Yūrei dake de nai (墓場で暴れるのは幽霊だけでない; Ghosts aren't the only ones who run wild around graveyards) flac 2012
- Haruyasumi-ake wa Minna Chotto Otona ni Mieru (春休みあけは皆ちょっと大人に見える; Everyone looks a bit more mature after spring break) flac 2012
- I Am Shock ( singman) flac 2012
- Ibaragaki to Baragaki (茨ガキと薔薇ガキ; Thorny and rosy) flac 2012
- Jugemu (寿限無; Jugem) ( ENA) flac 2012
- Kabukichō -Shiten'nō no Tēma- (かぶき町 -四天王のテーマ-; Kabukichō -The Four Devas Theme-) flac 2012
- Ketsuno-ke Bāsasu Shirino-ke (結野家 vs 巳厘野家; Ketsuno clan vs Shirino clan) flac 2012
- Kintama -Hosuto no Tēma- (金魂 -ホストのテーマ;- Kintama -Theme of Host-) flac 2012
- Mimawarigumi -Isaburō no Tēma- (見廻り組 -異三郎のテーマ-; Mimawarigumi -Isaburō's Theme-) flac 2012
- Muhō no Machi ni Tsudou wa Kyahhō na yatsu bakari (無法の街に集うはキャッホーな奴ばかり; A lawless town tends to attract a bunch of whoohooey folk) flac 2012
- Natsuyasumi-ake mo Kekkō Otona ni Mieru (夏休みあけもけっこう大人に見える; You also look pretty mature after summer break) flac 2012
- Ohikae Nasutte! (お控えなすって!; Please refrain!) flac 2012
- Otoko no Kusari (侠の鎖; Chains of a warrior) flac 2012
- Renhōhen no Tēma (蓮逢篇のテーマ; Theme of Renhō) flac 2012
- Senryōbako to Garakuta no Hako (千両箱とガラクタの箱; Piggy banks and trash can) flac 2012
- Shōgun ka yoooo! (将軍かよォォォ!; It's the friggin' Shōgun!) flac 2012
- Shōyō-sensei to no Deai -Gintoki no Kako- (松陽先生との出会い-銀時の過去-; The meeting of Shouyou-sensei -Gintoki's past-) flac 2012
- Sonna Koto Itteru Baai ja nai desho (そんなこと言ってる場合じゃないでしょ; This isn't the time to be saying that) flac 2012
- Subete Dōdemo ī yo、 mou (全てどうでもいいよ、もう; Man, nothing matters anymore) flac 2012
- Tetsu no Machi (鉄の街; Iron town) flac 2012
- The more precious the burden, the heavier it is to bear (大切な荷ほど重く背負い難い; Taisetsu na Ni hodo Omoku Seoigatai) flac 2012
- Wataru Seken wa Ai bakari (渡る世間は愛ばかり; The wide world is riddled with love) flac 2012
- Yoru no Kao wa Onmyōji (夜の顔は陰陽師; My night face is an Onmyōji) flac 2012
- Yoru no Kumo wa Engi ga Warui (夜の蜘蛛は縁起が悪い; It's bad luck to see a spider at night) ( singman) flac 2012
- Yoshiwara Tōgenkyō no Tsuki (吉原桃源郷の月; Moon of the Yoshiwara shangri-la) flac 2012
- Yuke! Kaien (ゆけ!カイエーン; Go Kaien!) ( singman) flac 2012
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